

これらのイベントは制作者たちによる直接のCDやコミックなどの即売会の一種です。聴取者は自分たちのお気に入りの1枚を選び制作者の手から買うことができます。あなたはもしかしたら彼らの手を握ったりサインをもらったりすることができるかもしれません。わたしは米国の非常に類似なイベントとしてAX11の中の「アーティスト アリー」を知っています。

9月4日 東京池袋サンシャインシティ

"THE VOC@LOID M@STER"は世界最大のVOCALOIDオンリーイベントです。わたしは449の制作者が参加したと聞きました(*1)。では一般参加者は? たくさん! これは2007年以来第17回目で最も長い歴史を持っています。



わたしはこれらのCDと本をこのイベントで買いました。もっとも特筆すべきものは中央に置かれた本です。これは"VOCALO CRITIQUE(*2)"と名付けられた(おそらく)VOCALOID界で最初の評論です。多くの評論がAHS(*3)社長、VOCALOID制作者、聴取者、大学教授などによって書かれています。


"THE VOC@LOID M@STER 18(*4)"は11月19日(土)に開かれるでしょう。参加者は1人につき1つのカタログを買わなければなりません。通常そのカタログは秋葉原やその他の地域の一部の書店で前売りされます。カタログの購入方法は間もなく知らされるでしょう。


9月11日 東京ビッグサイト

これは前週の"THE VOC@LOID M@STER 17"と対照的に小さなイベントでした。制作者サークルの数は60以下でした。会場は東京ビッグサイトではあるけれど、このイベントはそのホールのひとつの一角だけで開かれました。そして残りは1500スペースのもうひとつのイベント、博麗神社例大祭(*6)によって選挙されました。
あなたが想像するとおり、例大祭はとても多くの数の人を集めました。その列は駅に続きました。…500m? 長大な列の影にあるわたしたちの入口を見つけることはとても難しいことでした。

この"VOCALOID FESTA 03"は入場無料でした。わたしたちはカタログを買う必要はありませんでした。(このイベントのカタログは公式サイトからpdfファイルとしてダウンロード可能でした。)
わたしはVOCALOID FESTAから生まれた新しいVOCALOID3の「リング・スズネ」を楽しみにしています。わたしは彼女のデザインと声が好きです。

(3) VOCALOID Fantasia 2
9月18日 横浜産貿ホール



わたしはこれらのCDを2つのイベントで買いました。より上方の4つがVOCALOID FESTAです。より下方の4つとカタログ(中央)がVOCALOID Fantasiaです。

3 Events in September (Eng.)

Three VOCALOID events are held in and near Tokyo in this September. I luckily could attend all events.
These events are kinds of sale of CDs, comics... etc. by the creators directly. Listeners can choose and by our favorite one from the creators hands. You may be able to shake their hands and to get their autographs. I know the "Artist Alley" in the AX11 as the very similar event in the US.

- Sep.4 at Sunshine City in Ikebukuro, Tokyo.

"THE VOC@LOID M@STER" is the largest event only about Vocaloid in the World. I heard that 449 creator groups attended. (*1) How about the ordinary attendee? ...Many! This was the 17th since 2007, having the longest history.

When the V.M. 16, I felt that was dangerous because the hall was very crowded. I and other many attendee were stuck in the center of the hall and pushed by many other people from every direction. We almost fell over just like a file of dominoes.

However, this V.M. 17 was not extremely crowded, still a bit, though. Compared with 16, I suppose that people could find their favorite CDs and comics easily and walked corridors comfortably without severe traffic jam.

I bought these CDs and books in this event. The most remarkable one is a book that is put on the center. This is named "VOCALO CRITIQUE(*2)" that is (maybe) the first criticism about the world of Vocaloid. Many reviews are written by the president of AHS(*3), Vocaloid producers, listeners, a professor of a university...

The right top one is for my friend who live in Osaka. She couldn't come to Tokyo, so I bought it instead of her.

"THE VOC@LOID M@STER 18(*4)" will be held on Nov.19(Sat.). Attendee have to buy a catalog per person. Usually the catalog for V.M. are sold in advance at some book/magazine shop in Akihabara and other area. The way to buy the catalog (=brochure) will be announced soon.

Cos-Play were prohibited at this event. Sometimes happens because of condition of the hall, or other reason.

- Sep.11 at Tokyo Big Site in Ariake, Tokyo

It was small event, in contrast to "THE VOC@LOID M@STER 17" last week. The number of circle of creators were less than 60. Although the place was Tokyo Big Site, this event was held only a part of one of the halls. And others were occupied by 1500 booths of another event, Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai(Hakurei Shrine's Regular Grand Festival,*6).
As you imagine that, the Reitaisai gathered huge number of people. The line flowed to the station... 500 meter? It was very difficult to find our entrance behind the gigantic line.

This VOCALOID FESTA 03 was admission free. We didn't have to buy a catalog. (Catalog for this event was downloadable from the official website as a PDF file.)
I'm looking for the new Vocaloid3 "Ring Suzune" born from VOCALOID FESTA. I like her design and voice.

(3) VOCALOID Fantasia 2
- Sep.18 at Yokohama Sambou(*7) Hall in Yokohama

It was also smaller than V.M.17. Around 100 booths were placed in the hall named "Marineria". This hall is located in front of Yamashita Park and Yokohama Bay. Yokohama city is less than 1 hour way from central Tokyo by frequently operated train.
In contrast to the other 2 events, there were many cos-players in that hall. I think that they should go out and be taken beautiful photos with the harbor... The second largest populated city in this country is well known as the picturesque international port.
But, usually, costume players are not permitted to go out of the hall. I was very surprised when I attended AX11 in LA this July. Because there were many cos-players in downtown LA!

Anyway, go into the hall.
In a part of the hall, A lecture was held to train Vocaloid to talk fluently. There were 30~40 listeners who were sitting on the floor and listening to the instructor.

Attendee have to buy a catalog for each(¥800).

I bought these CDs at these two events. Upper 4 CDs are from VOCALOID FESTA. Lower 4(and catalog(center)) are from VOCALOID Fantasia.

(*7) "Sambou" stands for "Sangyou Boueki" means "Industry & Trading" in English.